Your wellbeing is our priority
Health & Safety Guidelines for COVID-19 Management,
Staff & Customers
The health and safety of our guests, employees, families and respective communities depend on the strict adherence to this guide along with rational and considerate thought.
The Manager of each department is responsible for monitoring and consistently reinforcing health and safety standards at the hotel in coordination with being a Rapid Response Leader.
1. Health & Safety Guidelines for COVID-19 Management, Staff & Customers
All managers are advised to consider the exposure level of employees, the individual risk factors and other recommended good practices outlined in this document.
This will not only enable the prevention/control of the spread of infection but will also prevent panic situations in the event of detecting a suspected case.
To consider and address the level of risk with each member of staff – including from where, how, and to what sources of COVID-19, employees might be exposed to – as follows:
- The general public, customers, and coworkers
- Sick individuals or those at particularly high risk of infection (people who have visited locations with confirmed ongoing COVID-19 transmission)
- Non-occupational risk factors at home and in community settings
- Workers’ individual risk factors (older age, presence of chronic medical conditions, immune compromised conditions, obesity, pregnancy, smokers)
The following categories of workers should not report for work:
- Those having fever, with or without acute respiratory symptoms such as cough, runny nose, sore throat and/or shortness of breath.
- Those who have had contact with suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 for the last 14 days.
- Those who are quarantined for COVID-19. The Manager should ensure that if a sick person reports for work to contact the local PHI immediately.
- A specific isolation room preferably with an attached bathroom/toilet should be identified in the workplace in advance, to transfer workers suspected of having COVID-19 infection. It should be one that can be disinfected.
Special advice in case of detecting a suspected case at the workplace:
In the event of detecting a suspected case in the workplace, to seek assistance from hotline 1390 and follow the instructions given or alternatively transfer the worker to the nearest government hospital, by ambulance. Suwasariya ambulance service can be contacted by dialing 1990.
The suspected worker should continue to wear a mask and be kept in isolation and all relevant precautions should be taken to limit the spread of the disease, until transfer to hospital.
If this person tests as positive the health authorities will visit the facility and will instruct on further preventive measures
2. Responsibilities of Department Managers
All guidelines and requirements herein described are enforced.
Checklists and logbooks are to be maintained according to new guidelines for the following:
- Entering the property (Security)
- Cleaning staff quarters
- Cleaning staff washrooms
- Cleaning guest rooms
- Cleaning Public Areas
- Daily staff briefings
- Ensuring sanitary storage conditions
- Cleaning water tanks and geysers
- Washing AC filters
- Registration/self declaration forms from guests
Key messages at visible places for staff promoting:
- Hand washing
- Safe social distancing
- Respiratory symptoms of COVID-19
- Cleanliness and basic hygiene practices
- Contact information of GM
- Emergency telephone numbers,
- Doctor on call.
- Local ambulance service.
- Local PHI
- Key messages at visible places for
- guests promoting:
- Hand washing
- Safe social distancing
- Respiratory symptoms of COVID-19
All workers on the property must be permanent or traceable. Their names and addresses must be documented in a register.Refrain from employing temporary workers.
Educate and train all employees on COVID-19 infection, risk factors and protective behaviour (cough and sneeze etiquette and care of PPE and to follow the instructions in this document),as well as how to manage incidents regarding co-workers and guests
Encourage staff to maintain good personal health and hygiene by practicing the following :
- A balanced diet
- Drinking adequate amounts of clean water
- Regular physical exercise
- Abstain from unhealthy habits such as smoking and consuming alcohol
Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, face masks, and aprons must be provided to the employees and they should be encouraged to wear them, according to recommendations. Ensure that all masks and gloves shall not be re-used and shall be securely disposed of.
3. Entering and Access to the property
Logbook to monitor all entries of staff, guests, maintenance and service persons, and deliveries.
Screening guidelines for every person entering the property are as follows :
- To be registered by security (name, ID, phone number, and address)
- Guest vehicle number, driver name, and ID number registered
- Temperatures are checked and registered
- Any person recording a temperature above 37 C should be re-checked after 15 minutes and if positive again, should be isolated (designated room) and the local PHI contacted immediately
- Personal baggage sanitation will be done
- To use provided sanitizer at the entrance, and wear a mask
- Maintain social distancing
Employed Staff
Only staff on duty have access to the property, above Access guidelines to be followed Use the hand sanitizer before and after using the fingerprint scanner, which shall be disinfected before and after each use, and go directly to Staff Quarters following entry to the property
There will be no access for deliveries further than the gate/entrance. Delivery persons are requested to maintain social distancing at all times
Staff instructed not to accept unsealed goods. Staff to wear appropriate PPE, and ensure safe receipt of fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, meat, and dried goods
The delivery area requires washing and disinfecting after each delivery
Maintenance & Service Providers
Maintenance persons and service providers are only granted access to the property if an appointment has been made ahead of time, and are preferably regular and known companies.
Only guests with a reservation can enter the property.
Screening protocol per above Greet with Ayubowan. Wear a mask and gloves at all times. Keep a minimum of 1.5m distance. Proof of registration with relevant health/immigration authorities for foreign guests Provide guest with personal hand sanitizer and facemasks (according to the duration of stay)
Use disinfectant spray across baggage surfaces
Take the guest to the room for private check-in, registration form to be filled – remove any pen from the guest using a separate tray, followed by disinfecting
Monitor guest movement outside the property (maintain logbook)
4. Overall Guidelines for Hotel Staff:
Ensure 1.5m social distance among persons at all times and in all staff common areas
Staff instructed not to share mobile phones, food, cigarettes, pens, personal grooming items, etc
To only remain in designated areas
Decontamination before duty
Proceed immediately to staff quarters after screening.
Shower and change shoes and clothes
Wear PPE as instructed according to duties
Decontamination after duty
Use hand sanitizer
Remove uniforms/masks/PPE and deposit them in designated bins
Use hand sanitizer
Meals at different times to avoid overcrowding and to promote social distancing. Meals/food/ beverages must be served by a dedicated person.
Sanitize tables and surfaces at start of day, after each meal, and at end of each day
After use cutlery and crockery to be handled by a dedicated person
Staff Quarters
Twice per day
Wash down shower areas and toilets.
Clean and sanitize floors
Sanitize benches, lockers and all touch surfaces
Empty waste bins
Advice on how to dispose of non-bio-degradable items
Beds to be separated according to social distancing
Stewards Pantry
Clean and sanitize floors
Sanitize all touch surfaces
Clean and disinfect bottle-coolers and fridges, all other equipment
Empty waste bins regularly through the day
Twice per day
Social distancing 1.5m between each work station
Exhaust fans switched on at all times
Sanitize all furniture and door handles after meal period
Allow fresh air ventilation through windows
Strict no share policy on stationary items
Computers, desk tops, keyboards to be wiped down with disinfectant after use
If AC used, to clean & check the filter regularly
5. Food production and handling
Food production areas
Self-sanitize to ensure cleanliness, personal hygiene and limit cross exposure All chefs and other support staff to wear aprons, gloves, and masks when handling, cooking, and serving food. Clean and sanitize utensils, workstations, equipment, and work surfaces before and after every use When handling ready-to-eat food, ensure no physical contact with food. Handle food only with tongs or spatulas
Transit of food to guests
Sanitize working surfaces and utensils
Prepare food following basic food hygiene guidelines
Use appropriate packing materials stored in sanitized area
Room service (if resumed)
Prepare the service trays/ mise en place Clean and sanitize the utensils preparing for service, following with cutlery, crockery and glassware Pick up food, with food cloche and with cling film secured Self sanitize prior to every pickup Wear gloves in front of guest prior to serving, keep mask on, sanitize inner and outer door handles When clearing, wear gloves in front of guest prior to serving, keep mask on, sanitize inner and outer door handles
Food deliveries
All food items including raw fruits and vegetables are cleaned and unpacked at a separate station before entering kitchen and storerooms.
With reference to Food Handling, “Hygiene of Food Handlers” will be strictly maintained with proper sanitization.

6. Guests and all Public Areas
All cleaning equipment to be sanitized after use
Guest Bedrooms
Use PPE as instructed when cleaning rooms
Staff to leave work slippers outside the guest room before cleaning
Collection of soiled linen into single-use bag separate from all other items Bed making Use fresh bed linen Clean sanitize surfaces Clean and sanitize all hard surfaces, remote controls, switches, other controls.
Clean and sanitize door handles on exit from room Clean & sanitize soft surfaces – carpets, drapes, throw cushions, etc
Ensure room keys are sanitized before given to guests and on departure
Bathrooms/ Public WC/Corridors
Clean washbasin, WC, bathtubs, shower room, faucets, mirrors, tiles & door handles Use proper chemicals Wipe and dry the surfaces and sanitize all the surfaces twice per day Floors to be mopped and disinfected twice per day Door handles to be wiped and disinfected every hour
Greet guests with “Ayubowan” Always maintain a social distance of 1.5m
Allow a minimum space of 3m between all tables Clean & sanitize menus, tables, workstations, chairs, dining mats, and other equipment at the end of each dining experience, and end of each day Floors to be mopped and disinfected twice daily Door handles to be wiped and disinfected every hour
Follow guidelines to handle crockery, cutlery, glassware etc
Laying the tables
Wear gloves and a fresh mask.
Only use paper serviettes
Cleaning and collecting cutlery, crockery and glassware
Wear gloves and a mask. Any dining mats to be cleared and washed. Dishwasher at 80
Bill settlement
There shall be minimum handling of cash. When using the credit/debit card ask the customer to insert and remove it from the machine.
Sanitize bill folders & pens after each use & place in sanitized basket
Sanitize machine after each use
Collection of soiled linen Sanitize all sunbeds, umbrellas, side tables and shower areas after every use Handling pool pumps & water treatment process Pool pumps to run only operational hours Water treatment process to be done daily
7. Laundry Facilities
Collecting linen
Use gloves and a mask
Place in ‘dirty’ linen bag
Self-sanitizing after handling soiled linen
Change PPE after every washing process Cleaning laundry bins and disinfect after use Clean and disinfect surfaces and machines after use
Ensure organization/storage of clean linen does not get contaminated
Store separate from any dirty linen and washing processes
Delivery of clean linen in dedicated sanitized trays
8. Maintenance
Ensure sanitary storage conditions. General cleaning of water tanks and geysers every 3 months Wash air conditioner filter with hot water before every arrival
The following measures are also applicable until further notice:
Third party drivers and chauffeur guides not permitted beyond the reception area.
Accommodation for third party drivers and chauffeur guides must be arranged externally and not at the hotel.
External guests (without room reservations) will only be permitted at the discretion of the GM after a risk assessment.
Guests to be advised on selection of third-party excursions to help ensure safety
Disposal of any non-bio-degradable items to be organized with Municipal Council
9. Emergency Responses
Special advice detecting a suspected case:
In the event of detecting a suspected case amongst staff and guests for single guests to stay in their room. For a person traveling with another, isolate in the designated room. For staff isolate in the designated room
Contact the local authorities immediately – local authorities will send a doctor to assess the situation Contact the Group Head of Operations and the Owner immediately
If the person tests positive, the health authorities will visit the facility and will instruct on further preventive measures. This will include decontamination of quarters and testing of all staff. All staff are requested to stay on the property until it has been determined if a person has been tested positive to limit the potential spread of the virus and to provide relevant information to the authorities when required
10. Guest Accommodation Policy
Special advice detecting a suspected case:
Property is allowed for the prior bookings and not allowed for Walk-in Guests.
11. Garbage Disposal
Special advice detecting a suspected case:
Garbage is separated to
- Perishable
- Plastic
- Paper
- Bottles
- Tin Cans
- Clinical Waste
We burn clinical waste 3 times per week